Having to move and pack adds another dimension of procrastination, namely wikipedia-ing old television shows. Clarissa is always in the back of my mind, because when I was a kid I used to obsess over her show. She's a ridiculous person, if you haven't seen the show. Like, ridiculous on the level compared to my procrastination. And her wardrobe was meant to accentuate this. Her outfits encompass the nineties, but have a level of high school naivety that comes out in the simplicity and trashiness of her look. The stress of the trashiness, however, isn't on the obscenity (although there is a hint of it present- but, nickelodeon can't be too obscene on a preteen show- {although in my studious wiki-pedia-ing I learned that this was the first kid's television show to talk about sex}) it's about the mis-matching juxtaposed with the unity of the outfits. I know, it doesn't make sense, but the outfits don't either.
Will and I had to do a bit of a photo shoot for this modelling gig that I'm trying to get, and one of the photo requirements was tasteful, fashion, relaxed, bathing suit pose. I naturally hate bathing suits , and so I just threw on my hot shorts and sports bra and Will and I decided that Emma Cook's boots would be the randomly placed shoes that defines most of my outfits. The outfit description-fashionable, yet relaxed says everything about Clarrissa's style. This outfit just tones it down a bit, a sort of modern interpretation. Maybe I'm just so ready to get out my winter tights?

And let me clarify by saying that this is the only time you will ever see me in jeans. And that I will never ever taint this blog with jeans again, but the jeans+ Atalanta Weller's (that are finally fixed and waiting to break again) is so remnicscent House of Holland SS08 collection that in combination with SS09's collection describes the Clarissa Explains It All look further.

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