Have you ever put so much energy into one thing, that you forget pretty much about the entire universe and yourself? That's as best as I can explain my year of absence. Tonight when I was procrastinating my schoolwork (i.e. taking useless blog photos, because it's not like I have the most homework that I've ever seen ever) I wanted to use my Thoth Tarot Deck as like a cute and casual addition to a photo and I pulled out 15 cards exactly. This is significant because the 15 card spread is the spread Crowley recommends to use in divination. I'm not one to read my own Tarot, but it was meant. The spread, to abbreviate very heavily, told me that the darkness would give way to a deep understanding. I guess I feel sort of like when you get the Death Card. It's an ominous force at first glance,but it's "negativity" heralds new beginnings. It's a theme I know too well, because forces in the universe always remind me when I feel the most comfortable. There's a certain flow and rythmn that has to be realized, and stability has to dissolve into chaos to become at peace again. Things must die, so that new things can come to fruitation.

SO continuing with this spirit, of renewal, I have decided to try and find myself again. And try to be more of a presence on my blog. I've let a lot go in my life, and I want to try and get it back. Gradual update. School has literally killed me this semester/ last semester. (School is part of the reason that I have lost myself.) We had to make a mini collection for Cotton Inc, and mine is like Egyptian future alien. ((The first pic is a House of Holland Dress, Sweatshirt I embroidered with leather blood, how I feel right now... not a part of the collection......)))

The jacket that I made for Cotton Inc. is a motorcycle jacket with trapunto quilting in geometric lines and in heiroglyphics- the text is from the Book of The Dead- roughly from a poem to Isis I think. The thread is solar reactive- so it changes color when you go outside. It's white usually, but in the sun it turns a light blue. I actually haven't seen it change- but it was 15 dollar thread so I assume that it does... The blue top is from a print that I made on photoshop and I got it printed on organic cotton- its an alien head with a Qabalistic spiral over it. The skirt is just more trapunto and is supposed to resemble both technology and the sheath dress of the Egyptians.... The pants I had to make are kind of okay too I like forgot to take pictures (?) they have like holographic strips on them. Also, and randomly on a side note I made these socks last semester ( also not a part of the collection) , much to my dismay that Moonspoon Saloon made pants that are EXACTLY the same this season. I can't say ANYTHING negative about Moonspoon, their blood drips are like way cuter. Anyway..
i was waiting so long for a new entry. finally! :)
i really love the stockings.
I'm so happy to see a new entry! I love all the creations, but especially picture 1.
so glad you're blogging again. this was always one of my faves. there's so many awful blogs out there so good blogs like this are worth their weight in gold.
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