Coyote Pelt from Glacier Wear ( the most AMAZING site that I have ever been to, you can purchase ENTIRE wolf pelts, lynx, bobcat and you can even choose the size of your animal or if you want paws and claws attached- reasonable prices too- I'm wearing the Montana Coyote), twentyten nail skirt harness, and Rapheal Young futuristic frankenstein shoes (my newest child). Remotely reminds me of the Barbarella costumes-futuristic yet hints of the past. And since when is celestial sex rated PG?
gah. i've been coveting those raphael young shoes at seven for ages but still can't manage to flush a whole paycheck just for the sake of having spiky demon wings on my ankles :(
hi, love your blog... i was wondering if you knew where i could be raphael young shoes in l.a. or online... i just went to his site and love everything....
You can purchase the ones that I have on at Seven, those are the only ones we have though. I don't know where else has his shoes. I went on an extensive search a couple of months ago and I couldn't come up with anything online that is.
I really, really love your blog, all of your fashion is really inspiring. But it really bums me out to see you encouraging this kind of fur purchasing. I'll admit, I wear a bit of fur, although I buy it all secondhand. You're purchasing straight from the people who go out and kill a wild animal for you. Please keep in mind that you could be taking a mother or father from their family. I'm not a PETA person or anything like that, and I don't want you to feel like I'm judging you. I just thought I would say that this seriously bums me out.
Anonymous, I try and only purchase wild fur if I'm going to purchase it new- most of these animals are hunted anyway for taxidermy mounts or for sport-why not use their fur? I mean, coyotes are a nuisance on ranches, most ranchers kill them anyway. There is nothing that I can do to stop people from killing animals or nothing that anyone can do, so why not enjoy the fur? I'm 100% sure that the website isn't in a 'made to order' format, they have a stock of pelts. I don't think you're judging me, but I'm not telling people to go buy fur, I'm not making people feel bad that they aren't wearing fur, I'm merely suggesting that they have a look at a site to be in awe of the quantity and diversity of pelts that this site has to offer. I was inspired, and so I shared. Thats all my blog is about, me finding inspiration and then sharing.
i think i'm in love.
gah. i've been coveting those raphael young shoes at seven for ages but still can't manage to flush a whole paycheck just for the sake of having spiky demon wings on my ankles :(
hi, love your blog... i was wondering if you knew where i could be raphael young shoes in l.a. or online... i just went to his site and love everything....
You can purchase the ones that I have on at Seven, those are the only ones we have though. I don't know where else has his shoes. I went on an extensive search a couple of months ago and I couldn't come up with anything online that is.
I want that pelt, it looks so wild.(pun intended)
So good. W definitely did not live up to the skirts potential when they used it in a spread earlier.
Those shoes are DELICIOUS FEAST for the eyes!!!
I love the shoes!
I really, really love your blog, all of your fashion is really inspiring. But it really bums me out to see you encouraging this kind of fur purchasing. I'll admit, I wear a bit of fur, although I buy it all secondhand. You're purchasing straight from the people who go out and kill a wild animal for you. Please keep in mind that you could be taking a mother or father from their family. I'm not a PETA person or anything like that, and I don't want you to feel like I'm judging you. I just thought I would say that this seriously bums me out.
Anonymous, I try and only purchase wild fur if I'm going to purchase it new- most of these animals are hunted anyway for taxidermy mounts or for sport-why not use their fur? I mean, coyotes are a nuisance on ranches, most ranchers kill them anyway. There is nothing that I can do to stop people from killing animals or nothing that anyone can do, so why not enjoy the fur? I'm 100% sure that the website isn't in a 'made to order' format, they have a stock of pelts. I don't think you're judging me, but I'm not telling people to go buy fur, I'm not making people feel bad that they aren't wearing fur, I'm merely suggesting that they have a look at a site to be in awe of the quantity and diversity of pelts that this site has to offer. I was inspired, and so I shared. Thats all my blog is about, me finding inspiration and then sharing.
fucking amazing.
Hi Elizabeth,
This is 'Anonymous', sorry, I should have put my name! Anyway, thank you for your response. :)
- quinne.
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